Goodness ... I find this whole thread has gotten a bit over-the-top ... but
I guess it's at least humorous, in a perverse sort of way...

For sure: the biggest obstacle in the way of human intellect creating
superhuman AGI, is humans' emotional nature ;-p


On Sun, Aug 3, 2008 at 7:12 PM, Richard Loosemore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> David Clark wrote:
>> Richard:
>> I was one of the first people to help you get on the AGI list years ago
>> and I have appreciated many of your emails but Ben's comments below are
>> right on the money.
>> Although I don't agree with many of the technical points made by Ed
>> Porter, he is obviously very intelligent (as are you) and has much
>> interesting information and enthusiasm to bring to the table concerning AGI.
>>  I look forward to his emails even more than most of the other posters on
>> this list.
>> I for one, very much appreciate the effort made by Ben in writing this
>> email and I would appreciate more information on AGI and less chest thumping
>> and ego in the emails.
>> Calling other people's ideas stupid, ridiculous etc IS the same as calling
>> other people the same and it hurts just as much.
> David,
> Several people have repeated the accusation that I am guilty of namecalling
> and engaging in personal attacks that are just as disgraceful as those that
> Ed Porter just delivered.
> You repeat the accusation yourself when you say "Calling other people's
> ideas stupid, ridiculous etc IS the same as calling other people the same."
> David, in the spirit of scientific objectivity, I just did a search for the
> word "stupid" in all of the 811 messages that I have ever posted to the AGI
> list.
> There were 58 matches, and I just laboriously analyzed every one of them.
> Of the 58 total, 41 were completely neutral references to some abstract
> thing that was 'stupid', or to phrases like 'stupidly simple', with no
> bearing on anything that a person on the list said (for example I once said
> "what if a stupid AI hacker were to...").
> On 2 occasions I responded to Ed Porter by denying his accusations, and the
> word was not used against him.
> On one occasion I quoted Ed Porter saying to me "Despite your statement to
> the contrary --- despite your "FURY" --- I did get your point. Not everybody
> beside Richard Loosemore is stupid."  This was intented to be  a mild insult
> directed at me, although it is kind of confused (he meant to say
> "intelligent", so I suspect that this was a Freudian slip).
> On 12 occasions the word was used by someone else, and I just quoted it.
>  The other person was not directing the word at me.
> On one occasion I used the word to refer, in the abstract, to some people
> on the SL4 list who had speculated that I may have fabricated my degree
> qualifications.  This was NOT directed at the person I was talking to, and
> it was fully justified by the estraordinary behavior of the people involved.
>  Here is the exact quote:  "(Sorry for the plug, but you know the kind of
> stupid nonsense I have had to take from some unmentionable amateurs on these
> lists who attack arguments by making libelous accusations about a person's
> qualifications and credentials)".
> On one occasion I deliverd an indirect insult by saying that "[The
> mathematical terms] "Rings" and "Models" are appropriated terms, but the
> mathematicians involved would never be so stupid as to confuse them with the
> real things.  Marcus Hutter and yourself are doing precisely that."  I did
> not intend the rudeness, it slipped out as an accident of the way I was
> phrasing my thoughts, and when Ben pointed out that this was rude, I
> immediately accepted the blame and apologized with these words: "You got me
> bang to rights there guv'nor:  I apologize for the "s" word.  Please
> re-read, with the word "naive" substituted instead."
> --------------------------
> So it seems that when we look at the evidence for me using this one word
> "stupid" to criticize other people's ideas, there was only one occasion.
>  And even then it was just an accident of phrasing and it was implied, not
> direct.  And, to top it all, I immediately apologized for the error.
> I have just done a lot of work to discover these statistics, and I think it
> would be fair to say that there is not a shred of evidence that I am in the
> habit of accusing anyone of being stupid, or even that I use the word
> 'stupid' to describe their ideas.
> What do you suppose would happen if we went and looked to see how many
> times I call other people's ideas "ridiculous"?
> Here you are:  31 matches.  Most of them neutral comments like
> "ridiculously small", except for three that were pretty mild comments and
> one serious argument:
> (1) "... they then produce ridiculous definitions, like Hutter's...".
> (2) "I was really trying to make the point that a statement like "The
> singularity WILL end the human race" is completely ridiculous."
> (3) "That is just one example of how he pulls conclusions out of thin air.
> The first time I read this paper I found the whole thing too ridiculous to
> read after the first few times this happened."
> (4) One use of 'ridiculous' to respond to a damning insult and a slew of
> false criticisms from Josh Hall -  he had said "I find your argument
> quotidian and lacking in depth...".  Although I should not have been so
> offended, I was.  I responded to this insult by saying "You said things
> about complex systems that were, quite frankly, ridiculous: Turing- machine
> equivalence, for example, has nothing to do with this.".
> So in a total of 811 posts there were only five places where I used the
> word 'stupid' or the word 'ridiculous'.  One was an accident that I
> immediately apologized for.  Two uses of 'ridiculous' were extremely mild,
> not directed at the person I was talking to, and both of them were pretty
> reasonable given the topic.  One other use of 'ridiculous' was completely
> justificable (item 2 above).
> There was just one time when I used the word  'ridiculous' in a direct and
> angry attack on another person's statements, and that was after the other
> person had suddenly come out with a deliberate insult.
> Do you feel that this level of abusive behavior on my part justifies your
> comment that "Calling other people's ideas stupid, ridiculous etc IS the
> same as calling other people the same."?  Bear in mind that in the course of
> yesterday evening Ed Porter threw at me a total of 14 personal insults, all
> of them of a type that I have never, ever used.
> Do you really, genuinely believe that when I say something like "That is
> just one example of how he pulls conclusions out of thin air. The first time
> I read this paper I found the whole thing too ridiculous to read after the
> first few times this happened", this behavior of mine is just as disgraceful
> as comments directed straight at my face like "It is a shame your
> intelligence is not freed from the childishness, and neediness, and
> dishonesty of your ego", and "if you are at all concerned with honesty and
> truth --- rather than personal pomposity ..."?
> Richard Loosemore
> P.S. If you want me to give you a copy of all the posts I have written, so
> you can analyze them for other words, please contact me off list and I will
> send them to you.
> -------------------------------------------
> agi
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Ben Goertzel, PhD
CEO, Novamente LLC and Biomind LLC
Director of Research, SIAI

"Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must be first
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