Hi Mike,

Comments below...

--- On Mon, 8/25/08, Mike Tintner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Two questions: 1)  how do you propose that your simulations
> will avoid the 
> kind of criticisms you've been making of other systems
> of being too guided 
> by programmers' intentions? How can you set up a
> simulation without making 
> massive, possibly false assumptions about the nature of
> evolution?

Because I don't care about individual agents. Agents that fail to meet the 
requirements the environment demands, die. There's going to be a lot of death 
in my simulations. The risk I take is that nothing ever survives and I fail to 
demonstrate the feasibility of the approach.
> 2) Have you thought about the evolution of play in animals?
> (We "play" BTW with just about every dimension of
> activities - goals, rules, 
> tools, actions, movements.." ).

Not much. Play is such an advanced concept in intelligence, and my aims are far 
lower than that.  I don't realistically expect to survive to see the evolution 
of human intelligence using the evolutionary approach I'm talking about.



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