On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 8:43 PM, Abram Demski  wrote:
> By the way, where does this term "wireheading" come from? I assume
> from context that it simply means self-stimulation.

Science Fiction novels.

In Larry Niven's Known Space stories, a wirehead is someone who has
been fitted with an electronic brain implant (called a "droud" in the
stories) to stimulate the pleasure centers of their brain.

In 2006, The Guardian reported that trials of Deep brain stimulation
with electric current, via wires inserted into the brain, had
successfully lifted the mood of depression sufferers.[1] This is
exactly the method used by wireheads in the earlier Niven stories
(such as the 'Gil the Arm' story Death By Ectasy).

In the Shaper/Mechanist stories of Bruce Sterling, "wirehead" is the
Mechanist term for a human who has given up corporeal existence and
become an infomorph.


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