On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 9:35 AM, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I understand that a keyboard and touchpad do provide proprioceptive input,
> but I think it's too feeble, and too insensitively respondent to changes in
> the environment and the relation btw the laptop and the environment, to
> serve as the foundation for a robust self-model or a powerful general
> intelligence.

Compared to what? Of course the human sensors are much more
complicated, but many robot sensors are no better, so why they are
considered as "real", while keyboard and touchpad are not?

Of course I'm not really arguing that keyboard and touchpad are all
we'll need for AGI (I plan to play with robots myself), but that there
is no fundamental difference between what we call 'robot' and what we
call 'computer', as far as the 'embodiment' discussion is concerned.
Robot is just special-purpose computer with I/O not designed for human

>> Of course it won't have a visual concept of "self", but a system like
>> NARS has the potential to grow into an intelligent operating system,
>> with a notion of "self" based on what it can feel and do, as well as
>> the causal relations among them --- "If there is a file in this
>> folder, then I should have felt it, it cannot be there because I've
>> deleted the contents".
> My suggestion is that the file system lacks the complexity of structure and
> dynamics to support the emergence of a robust self-model, and powerful
> general intelligence...

Sure. I just used file managing as a simple example. What if the AI
have full control of the system's hardware and software, and can use
them in novel ways to solve all kinds of problems unknown to it
previously, without human involvement?

> I would call a "self" any internal, explicit model that a system creates
> that allows it to predict its own behaviors in a sufficient variety of
> contexts....  This need not have a visual aspect nor a great similarity to a
> human self.

I'd rather not call it a 'model', though won't argue on this topic ---
'embodiment' is already confusing enough, so 'self' is better to wait,
otherwise someone will even add 'consciousness' into the discussion.


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