> "I think we're at the stage where a team of a couple dozen could do it in
> 5-10 years"
> I repeat - this is outrageous. You don't have the slightest evidence of
> progress - you [the collective you] haven't solved a single problem of
> general intelligence - a single mode of generalising - so you don't have the
> slightest basis for making predictions of progress other than
> wish-fulfilment, do you?

The argument is complex and technical and doesn't lend itself to convincing
summarization in a few glib, nontechnical paragraphs, sorry...

Read and understand

-- OpenCogPrime wikibook
-- PLN book
-- The Hidden Pattern

and we could have an interesting argument about this....  Otherwise, it's
mostly gonna be just surface-level yakking...

ben g

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