On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 4:24 PM, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In particular, the result that NARS induction and abduction each
> depend on **only one** of their premise truth values ...


I'm sure you know it in your mind, but this simple description will
make some people think that NARS is obvious wrong.

In NARS, in induction and abduction the truth value of the conclusion
depends on the truth values of both premises, but in an asymmetric
way. It is the "frequency" factor of the conclusion that only depends
on the frequency of one premise, but not the other.

Unlike deduction, the truth-value function of induction and abduction
are fundamentally asymmetric (on negative evidence), with respect to
the two premises. Actually, it is the PLN functions that looks wrong
to me, on this aspect. ;-)


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