If you want to argue that recursive self improvement is a special case of 
learning, then I have no disagreement with the rest of your argument.

But is this really a useful approach to solving AGI? A group of humans can 
generally make better decisions (more accurate predictions) by voting than any 
member of the group can. Did these humans improve themselves?

My point is that a single person can't create much of anything, much less an AI 
smarter than himself. If it happens, it will be created by an organization of 
billions of humans. Without this organization, you would probably not think to 
create spears out of sticks and rocks.

That is my problem with the seed AI approach. The seed AI depends on the 
knowledge and resources of the economy to do anything. An AI twice as smart as 
a human could not do any more than 2 people could. You need to create an AI 
that is billions of times smarter to get anywhere.

We are already doing that. Human culture is improving itself by accumulating 
knowledge, by becoming better organized through communication and 
specialization, and by adding more babies and computers.

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--- On Mon, 10/13/08, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [agi] Updated AGI proposal (CMR v2.1)
Date: Monday, October 13, 2008, 11:46 PM

On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 11:30 PM, Matt Mahoney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Thanks for the comments on my RSI paper. To address your comments,

You seem to be addressing minor lacunae in my wording, while ignoring my  main 
conceptual and mathematical point!!!

1. I defined "improvement" as achieving the same goal (utility) in less time or 
achieving greater utility in the same time. I don't understand your objection 
that I am ignoring run time complexity.

OK, you are not "ignoring run time completely" ... BUT ... in your measurement 
of the benefit achieved by RSI, you're not measuring the amount of run-time 
improvement achieved, you're only  measuring algorithmic information.

What matters in practice is, largely, the amount of run-time improvement 
achieved.   This is the point I made in the details of my reply -- which you 
have not counter-replied to. 

I contend that, in my specific example, program P2 is a *huge* improvement over 
P1, in a way that is extremely important to practical AGI yet is not captured 
by your algorithmic-information-theoretic measurement method.  What is your 
specific response to my example??


2. I agree that an AIXI type interactive environment is a more appropriate 
model than a Turing machine receiving all of its input at the beginning. The 
problem is how to formally define improvement in a way that distinguishes it 
from learning. I am open to suggestions.

To see why this is a problem, consider an agent that after a long time, guesses 
the environment's program and is able to achieve maximum reward from that point 
forward. The agent could "improve" itself by hard-coding the environment's 
program into its successor and thereby achieve maximum reward right from the 

Recursive self-improvement **is** a special case of learning; you can't 
completely distinguish them.

3. A computer's processor speed and memory have no effect on the algorithmic 
complexity of a program running on it.
Yes, I can see I didn't phrase that point properly, sorry.  I typed that prior 
email too hastily as I'm trying to get some work done ;-)

The point I *wanted* to make in my third point, was that if you take a program 
with algorithmic information K, and give it the ability to modify its own 
hardware, then it can achieve algorithmic information M > K.

However, it is certainly true that this can happen even without the program 
modifying its own hardware -- especially if you make fanciful assumptions like 
Turing machines with huge tapes ... but even without such fanciful assumptions.

The key point, which I did not articulate properly in my prior message, is 
that: ** by engaging with the world, the program can intake new information, 
which can increase its algorithmic information **

The new information a program P1 takes in from the **external world** may be 
random with regard to P1, yet may not be random with regard to {P1 + the new 
information taken in}.  

As self-modification may cause the intake of new information causing 
algorithmic information to increase arbitrarily much, your argument does not 
hold in the case of a program interacting with a world that has much higher 
algorithmic information than it does.

And this of course is exactly the situation people are in.

For instance, a program may learn that "In the past, on 10 occasions, I have 
taken in information from Bob that was vastly beyond my algorithmic information 
content at that time.  In each case this process helped me to achieve my goals, 
though in ways I would not have been able to understand before taking in the 
information.  So, once again, I am going to trust Bob to alter me with info far 
beyond my current comprehension and algorithmic information content."

Sounds a bit like a child trusting their parent, eh?

This is a separate point from my point about P1 and P2 in point 1.  But the two 
phenomena intersect, of course.

-- Ben G

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