On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 12:30 AM, Derek Zahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How about this:
> Those who *do* think it's worthwhile to move to the forum:  Instead of
> posting email responses to the mailing list, post them to the forum and then
> post a link to the response to the email list, thus encouraging threads to
> continue in the more advanced venue.
> I shall do this myself from now on.  I have not participated much on this
> list lately due to my current work schedule but will make an effort to do
> so.  If used, I do think the forum could help solve some of these META
> issues.

I prefer mailing list, because it has a convenient mechanism for
receiving and managing messages. Messages are grouped by threads
through the magic of gmail, I see every update and know which threads
are boring and which are not, I have filters set up to mark the
potentially more interesting threads. Forums are more difficult, and I
don't want another workflow to worry about. Using notifications
complicates access, and transparent notifications that post all the
content to e-mail make forum equivalent to a mailing list anyway.
Mailing list also forces better coherence to the discussion.

Vladimir Nesov

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