> From: BillK [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I agree. I support more type 1 discussions.
> I have felt for some time that an awful lot of time-wasting has been
> going on here.
> I think this list should mostly be for computer tech discussion about
> methods of achieving specific results on the path(s) to AGI.
> I agree that there should be a place for philosophical discussion,
> either on a separate list, or uniquely identified in the Subject so
> that technicians can filter off such discussions.
> Some people may need to discuss philosophic alternative paths to AGI,
> to help clarify their thoughts. But if so, they are probably many
> years away from producing working code and might be hindering others
> who are further down the path of their own design.
> Two lists are probably best. Then if technicians want a break from
> coding, they can dip into the philosophy list, to offer advice or
> maybe find new ideas to play with.
> And, as John said.  it would save on moderation time.

Yes and someone else could be moderator for type 2 list, someone could be
nominated. Then Ben could be the super mod and reign in when he has a bad
day :)

I nominate Tinter. Just kidding.


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