
> Also, you are right that it does not apply to many real world problems.
> Here my objection (as stated in my AGI proposal, but perhaps not clearly) is
> that creating an artificial scientist with slightly above human intelligence
> won't launch a singularity either, but for a different reason. It is not the
> scientist who creates a smarter scientist, but it is the whole global
> economy that creates it. George Will expresses the idea better than I do in
> http://www.newsweek.com/id/158752 Nobody can make a pencil, much less an
> AI.

This strikes me as a very, very bad argument.

An AI twice as smart as any human could figure out how to use the resources
at his disposal to help him create an AI 3 times as smart as any human.
These AI's will not be brains in vats.  They will have resources at their

Also, when we can build one AI twice as smart as any human, we can build a
million of them soon thereafter.  Unlike humans, software can easily be
copied.  So don't think about just one smart AI.  Think about a huge number
of them, with all the resources in the world at their potential disposal.

> As for using algorithmic complexity as a proxy for intelligence (an upper
> bound, actually), perhaps you can suggest an alternative. Algorithmic
> complexity is "how much we know". Less well-defined measures seem to break
> down into philosophical arguments over exactly what intelligence is.

Algorithmic complexity is an abstraction of how much we know declaratively
rather than procedurally.

I am suggesting that one proxy for intelligence is the complexity of the
problems that a system can solve within a certain, fixed period of time.
This can be formalized in many ways, including using algorithmic information
theory to formalize "problem complexity."  But the point is the
incorporation of running speed...

-- Ben G

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