> So, basically, you don't disagree with his paper tooooo much.
> You just don't like his attitude.    ;)
> Danged AI researchers that think they know it all!   ;)
> You don't think you could call it excessive PR where he is trying to
> dislodge an entrenched view?

The thing is, the simplistic connectionism he's railing against is
**not** an entrenched view in the AI community at large ... it's just
an entrenched view in a particular subcommunity of the AI
community....  And it's not as though he has *disproved* their
entrenched view, he has just argued in favor of an alternative view,
which I am more sympathetic to, but which is also well known..

Perhaps the reason his paper got rejected so many times was not that
it was so radical, but rather that it contained so little novel
content ;-)

Occasionally, the peer review system actually can be right...

ben g

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