I read the paper.

<pause to gather diplomatic tone>

Although I see what you're trying to achieve in this paper, I think
your conclusions are far from being, well, conclusive.  You've taken a
couple of terms that are thrown around the AI/Singularity community,
assigned an arbitrary mathematical definition of your own devising,
then claimed (not very rigoriously I might add) that your hypothesis
is right.

This is basically half of a straw man paper.  You've come up with a
definition that you must agree no-one else shares, and then you've
failed to knock it down.

But at least for a little while this paper managed to capture my
interest, and for that I thank you.

<something with a little more meat>

RSI has nothing to do with quines.  It's neat that you can write a
program that will output itself.. but I'm not aware of anyone who has
ever thought of RSI as involving such.  The futility of this paper is
summed up in the last two words of the abstract: "without input".  Who
ever said that RSI had anything to do with programs that had no input?
 The whole freakin' purpose of intelligence is to react to a
non-random but *complex* environment.  Input is what makes
intelligence hard.  A program which has "more intelligence" than
another program is the one that reacts better to the environment by
some measure of fitness.  By taking input out of the argument you've
taken intelligence out of the argument.

On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 10:20 AM, Matt Mahoney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I submitted my paper "A Model for Recursively Self Improving Programs" to 
> JAGI and it is ready for open review. For those who have already read it, it 
> is essentially the same paper except that I have expanded the abstract. The 
> paper describes a mathematical model of RSI in closed environments (e.g. 
> boxed AI) and shows that such programs exist in a certain sense. It can be 
> found here:
> http://journal.agi-network.org/Submissions/tabid/99/ctrl/ViewOneU/ID/9/Default.aspx
> JAGI has an open review process where anyone can comment, but you will need 
> to register to do so. You don't need to register to read the paper. This is a 
> new journal started by Pei Wang.
> -- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -------------------------------------------
> agi
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