On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 12:30 AM, Russell Wallace
> It certainly wasn't a strawman as of a couple of years ago; I've had
> arguments with people who seemed to seriously believe in the
> possibility of creating AI in a sealed box in someone's basement
> without any feedback from the environment.
> If nobody believes that anymore, well, then that is significant progress.

One does not write scientific papers to address "arguments with
people".  If someone has said, in print, that this is a good direction
then getting them to nail down specifics is the next step.. then
addressing the feasibility is acceptable - well, sort of, these
"negative" papers are never well received, as they don't make forward
progress in the field, but if *everyone* is looking at closed box RSI
and you feel the field isn't moving forward because of that, then it
might make sense to publish a paper pointing out everyone's
blindness.. but that's not that case.. not even close.


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