
On 12/1/08, Mike Tintner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I wonder whether you'd like to outline an additional list of
> "English/language's shortcomings" here. I've just been reading Gary Marcus'
> Kluge - he has a whole chapter on language's shortcomings, and it would be
> v. interesting to compare and analyse.

The real world is a wonderful limitless-dimensioned continuum of
interrelated happenings. We have but a limited window to this, and have an
even more limited assortment of words that have very specific meanings.
Languages like Arabic vary pronunciation or spelling to convey additional
shades of meaning, and languages like Chinese convey meaning via joined
concepts. These may help, but they do not remove the underlying problem.
This is like throwing pebbles onto a map and ONLY being able to communicate
which pebble is closest to the intended location. Further, many words have
multiple meanings, which is like only being able to specify certain disjoint
multiples of pebbles, leaving it to AI to take a WAG (Wild Ass Guess) which
one was intended.

This becomes glaring obvious in language translation. I learned this stuff
from people on the Russian national language translator project. Words in
these two languages have very different shades of meaning, so that in
general, a sentence in one language can NOT be translated to the other
language with perfect accuracy, simply because the other language lacks
words with the same shading. This is complicated by the fact that the
original author may NOT have intended all of the shades of meaning, but was
stuck with the words in the dictionary.

For example, a man saying "sit down" in Russian to a woman, is conveying
something like an order (and not a request) to "sit down, shut up, and don't
move". To remove that overloading, he might say "please sit down" in
Russian. Then, it all comes down to just how he pronounces the "please" as
to what he REALLY means, but of course, this is all lost in print. So, just
how do you translate "please sit down" so as not to miss the entire meaning?

One of my favorite pronunciation examples is "excuse me".

In Russian, it is approximately "eezveneetsya minya" and is typically spoken
with flourish to emphasize apology.

In Arabic, it is approximately "afwan" without emphasis on either syllable,
and is typically spoken curtly, as if to say "yea, I know I'm an idiot". It
is really hard to pronounce these two syllables without emphases, but with

There is much societal casting of meaning to common concepts.

The underlying issue here is the very concept of translation, be it into a
human language, or a table form in an AI engine.. Really good translations
have more footnotes than translation, where these shades of meaning are
explained, yet "modern" translation programs produce no footnotes, which
pretty much consigns them to the "trash translation" pile, even with perfect
disambiguation, which of course is impossible. Even the AI engines, that can
carry these subtle overloadings, are unable to determine what nearby meaning
the author actually intended.

Hence, no finite language can convey specific meanings from within a
limitlessly-dimensional continuum of potential meanings. English does better
than most other languages, but it is still apparently not good enough even
for automated question answering, which was my original point. Everywhere
semantic meaning is touched upon, both within the wetware and within
software, additional errors are introduced. This makes many answers
worthless and all answers suspect, even before they are formed in the mind
of the machine.

Have I answered your question?

Steve Richfield

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