2008/12/11 Mike Tintner <tint...@blueyonder.co.uk>:
> But an image/movie can only be compared with a verbal statement in terms of
> what it *actually shows*  - the *surface, visible action.* His actual,
> observable dialogue and gestures and expressions - that and only that is
> what a movie records with high fidelity..

But does the movie really record those things?  What the movie
actually records is a particular pattern of photons hitting a receptor
over a period of time.  Things such as gestures and expressions are
concepts which you're superimposing into the pattern of photons that
you're observing.  To a large extent you're able to perform this
superposition because you yourself have similar and familiar dynmaics.

If you prefer you can consider the process of interpreting the movie
as a sort of error correction, similar to the way that error
correcting codes are able to fill in and restore missing or corrupted

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