> Visual images, in particular, uniquely provide *isomorphic maps of objects.*

Well, no.

The congenitally blind also create internal isomorphic maps of objects

Vision is a rich source of information, but it is does not in itself
provide isomorphic maps of object -- it provides messy, noisy data
that the brain then uses to construct roughly isomorphic maps of
objects ... but the brain can also do this from other forms of data

Anyway, I guess you're aware that computer vision is a flourishing
field of AI research, even though this list has only handful of
computer vision researchers on it.  So it's not as though the idea
that "vision is important to understanding human cognition" is an
original one....  I have strong doubts that it's important to
understanding cognition-in-general, but agree that it plays an
important role in the human brain...

-- Ben G

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