
Your quest incorporates some questionable presumptions, that you will
literally be "betting your (future) life on".

1.  That AGI as presently conceived won't be just another dead end along the
way to intelligent machines. There have already been several dead ends and
the present incarnation of AGI implicitly presumes that there will be no
solution to the "fast learning problem" (that I think I have a solution to).
If the present incarnation of AGI falls to the wayside, your unipolar
background would provide excellent qualifications for the unemployment line.

2.  AGI is already becoming politicized, meaning that by the time you get
your PhD, all of the good leadership "slots" will be filled with people who
will be jealously guarding them from upstarts (like you will then be).
However, your PhD will still help you get a good minimum wage job as an
intern somewhere.

It appears that the only really good reason to get a PhD is to raise money
for a startup. If you have a personality for gladhanding investors,
promoting technologies, writing and presenting business plans, etc., then I
would strongly recommend your getting a PhD. However, if you see your path
as running in other directions, then you might want to reconsider.

Lotsa luck,

Steve Richfield

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