> You can't deliver any evidence at all that the processes I am investigating
> are invalid.

True, and you can't deliver any evidence that once AGIs reach an IQ of 1000,
aliens will contact them and welcome them to the Trans-Universal Club of
Really Clever Beings.

In fact, I won't be at all surprised if something like that happens!

But of course, there is a rather diverse infinitude of hypotheses that
aren't refuted by current evidence...

FWIW, my own intuition is that

-- there quite possibly *are* currently-unexplained, interesting, important
electromagnetic interactions between brains and the world around them

-- these are quite possibly related to various psi phenomena, about which
there is an awful lot of convincing empirical evidence right now (see Damien
Broderick's book "Outside the Gates of Science" for a nice review)

-- none of this gives any reason why cognition and consciousness can't arise
in a computer program

There is a lot that we don't know about the world!  But, concluding from
this general ignorance that AGI is impossible in digital computers seems
wholly unjustified to me.

-- Ben G

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