
> So if the researcher on this project have been learning some of your ideas,
> and some of the better speculative thinking and neural simulations that have
> been done in brains science --- either directly or indirectly --- it might
> be incorrect to say that "there is no 'design for a thinking machine' in
> But perhaps you know the thinking of the researchers involved enough to
> know that they do, in fact, lack such a design, other than what they have
> yet to learn by progress yet to be made by their neural simulations.

Well I talked to Dharmendra on this topic a couple months ago.  Believe me,
there is no grand AI architecture there.  You won't find one in their
publications, and they don't allude to one in their conversations.  You'd
have to be a heck of a conspiracy theorist to posit one...

I agree that one could make a neural-net-like design based on the underlying
conceptual principles of OpenCogPrime, and if I had a lot more free time
maybe I'd do it, but I'm more interested in putting my time into the current
design which IMO is better adapted to current computers.  I have a feeling
the neuroscientists have a lot of surprises for us coming up in the next 2
decades, so that it's premature to base AI designs on neuroscience

> of the goal of AGI 2009 it to increase the attention and respect our
> movement receives from the AI community in general and AI funders in
> particular.

Please note that the AI community and the "artificial brain / brain
simulation" community are rather separate at this point (though not entirely

We will have a number of recognized leaders from the AI field at AGI-09,
such as (to pick a few almost at random) John Laird, Marcus Hutter and
Juergen Schmidhuber

However, in spite of emailing and talking to some relevant folks, I didn't
seem to succeed in pulling brain simulation folks into AGI-09, at least they
didn't submit papers for presentation...

Perhaps for AGI-10 or 11 some different strategy will need to be taken if we
wish to help pull these communities together.  For instance, convince *one*
leader in that area to take charge of pulling his colleagues into a special
session on computational neuroscience modeling etc.

At the AAAI BICA symposium Alexei Samsonovich organized last month, a couple
neuroscience simulation guys (Steve Grossberg for example) showed up
alongside the AI guys ... probably because "biology" was in the title ;-)
... but still it was strongly AI-focused rather than brain-simulation

-- Ben G

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