> You, like the rest of us, are incapable of discussing anything else.  Email
> cannot carry non-algorithmic ideas or concepts.  Just because you do not
> consider your system "algorithmic" does not mean that it is not.  Nature is
> algorithmic, your chip is algorithmic, everything is algorithmic.  That
> which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

Hey, you just have no way to know that...

If you and I both contain brains that somehow invoke non-Turing oracles,
then an email could communicate info from one oracle to the other that would
provide a coupling of noncomputational processes in our brains

The problem is that **there is no way for science to ever establish the
existence of a nonalgorithmic process**, because science deals only with
finite sets of finite-precision measurements.

So, it is quite **possible** that brain and mind nonalgorithmic, and that
intelligence is not scientifically addressable and AGIs cannot be designed
via science.

But if this is indeed the case, it can never be scientifically established.

FWIW, my own intuition is that

-- mind does involve nonalgorithmic aspects

-- this is in no way an obstacle to the creation of AGI using digital
computer programs.  The nonalgorithmic aspects are gonna be there anyway, we
don't need to build them into our programs;-)

But I can't prove that scientifically and I never will be able to...

-- Ben G

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