2008/12/29 Ben Goertzel <b...@goertzel.org>:
> Hi,
> I expanded a previous blog entry of mine on hypercomputation and AGI into a
> conference paper on the topic ... here is a rough draft, on which I'd
> appreciate commentary from anyone who's knowledgeable on the subject:
> http://goertzel.org/papers/CognitiveInformaticsHypercomputationPaper.pdf
I'm still a bit fuzzy about your argument. So I am going to ask a
question to hopefully clarify things somewhat.

Couldn't you use similar arguments to say that we can't use science to
distinguish between finite state machines and Turing machines? And
thus question the usefulness of Turing Machines for science? As if you
are talking about a finite data sets these can always be represented
by a  compressed giant look up table.


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