2008/12/30 Ben Goertzel <b...@goertzel.org>:
> It seems to come down to the simplicity measure... if you can have
> simplicity(Turing program P that generates lookup table T)
> <
> simplicity(compressed lookup table T)
> then the Turing program P can be considered part of a scientific
> explanation...

Can you clarify what type of language this is in? You mention
L-expressions however that is not very clear what that means. lambda
expressions I'm guessing.

If you start with a language that has infinity built in to its fabric,
TMs will be simple, however if you started with a language that only
allowed FSM to be specified e.g. regular expressions, you wouldn't be
able to simply specify TMs, as you need to represent an infinitely
long tape in order to define a TM.

Is this analogous to the argument at the end of section 3? It is that
bit that is the least clear as far as I am concerned.


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