If someone had a profound knowledge of Solomonoff Induction and the *science
of probability* he could at the very least talk to me in a way that I knew
he knew what I was talking about and I knew he knew what he was talking
about.  He might be slightly obnoxious or he might be casual or (more
likely) he would try to be patient.  But it is unlikely that he would use a
hit and run attack and denounce my conjectures without taking the
opportunity to talk to me about what I was saying.  That is one of the ways
that I know that you don't know as much as you think you know.  You rarely
get angry about being totally right.

A true expert would be able to talk to me and also take advantage of my
thinking about the subject to weave some new information into the
conversation so that I could leave it with a greater insight about the
problem than I did before.  That is not just a skill that only good teachers
have, it is a skill that almost any expert can develop if he is willing to
use it.

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