I did take a look at the journal. There is one question I have with regard
to the assumptions. Mathematically the number of "prisoners" in
"Prisoner's dilemma" cooperating or not reflects the prevalence of
cooperators or non cooperators present. Evolution *should* tend to Von
Neumann's zero sum condition. This is an example of Calculus solving a
problem far neater and more elegantly than GAs which should only be used
where there is no good or obvious Calculus solution. This is my first

Second observation about societal punishment eliminating free loaders. The
fact of the matter is that "*freeloading*" is less of a problem in advanced
societies than misplaced unselfishness. The 9/11 hijackers performed the
most unselfish and unfreeloading acts. Hope I am not accused
of glorifying terrorism! How fundamental an issue is this? It is fundamental
in that simulations seem :-

1) To be better done by Calculus.
2) Not to be useful in providing simulations of things we are interested in.

Neither of these two is necessarily the case. We could in fact simulate
opinion formation by social interaction. There there would be no clear cut
Calculus outcome.

The third observation is that Google is itself a GA. It uses popular appeal
in its page ranking systems. This is relevant to Matt's ideas. You can, for
example, string programs or other entities together. Of course to do this
association one needs Natural Language. You will also need NL in stetting up
and describing any process of opinion formation. This is the great unsolved
problem. In fact any system not based on NL, but based on a analogue
response is Calculus describable.

  - Ian Parker

On 27 July 2010 14:00, Jan Klauck <jkla...@uni-osnabrueck.de> wrote:

> > Seems like there could be many many interesting questions.
> Many of these are specialized issues that are researched in alife but
> more in social simulation. The Journal of Artificial Societies and
> Social Simulation
> http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/JASSS.html
> is a good starting point if anyone is interested.
> cu Jan
> -------------------------------------------
> agi
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