
On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 1:45 PM, David Jones <davidher...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Understanding what you are trying to accomplish and how you want the system
> to work comes first, not math.

It's all the same. First comes the qualitative, then comes the quantitative.

> If your neural net doesn't require training data,

Sure it needs training data -real-world interactive sensory input training
data, rather than static manually prepared training data.

I don't understand how it works or why you expect it to do what you want it
> to do if it is "self organized". How do you tell it how to process inputs
> correctly? What guides the processing and analysis?

Bingo - you have just hit on THE great challenge in AI/AGI., and the source
of much past debate. Some believe in maximizing the information content of
the output. Some believe in other figures of merit, e.g. success in
interacting with a test environment, success in forming a layered structure,
etc. This particular sub-field is still WIDE open and waiting for some good

Note that this same problem presents itself, regardless of approach, e.g.


> On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 4:33 PM, Steve Richfield <steve.richfi...@gmail.com
> > wrote:
>> David
>> On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 1:16 PM, David Jones <davidher...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> 3) requires manually created training data, which is a major problem.
>> Where did this come from. Certainly, people are ill equipped to create
>> dP/dt type data. These would have to come from sensors.
>>> 4) is designed with biological hardware in mind, not necessarily existing
>>> hardware and software.
>> The biology is just good to help the math over some humps. So far, I have
>> not been able to identify ANY neuronal characteristic that hasn't been
>> refined to near-perfection, once the true functionality was fully
>> understood.
>> Anyway, with the math, you can build a system anyway you want. Without the
>> math, you are just wasting your time and electricity. The math comes first,
>> and all other things follow.
>> Steve
>> =======================
>>> These are my main reasons, at least that I can remember, that I avoid
>>> biologically inspired methods. It's not to say that they are wrong. But they
>>> don't meet my requirements. It is also very unclear how to implement the
>>> system and make it work. My approach is very deliberate, so the steps
>>> required to make it work are pretty clear to me.
>>> It is not that your approach is bad. It is just different and I really
>>> prefer methods that are not biologically inspired, but are designed
>>> specifically with goals and requirements in mind as the most important
>>> design motivator.
>>> Dave
>>> On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 3:54 PM, Steve Richfield <
>>> steve.richfi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> David,
>>>> You are correct in that I keep bad company. My approach to NNs is VERY
>>>> different than other people's approaches. I insist on reasonable math being
>>>> performed on quantities that I understand, which sets me apart from just
>>>> about everyone else.
>>>> Your "neat" approach isn't all that neat, and is arguably scruffier than
>>>> mine. At least I have SOME math to back up my approach. Further, note that
>>>> we are self-organizing systems, and that this process is poorly understood.
>>>> I am NOT particularly interest in people-programmed systems because of 
>>>> their
>>>> very fundamental limitations. Yes, self-organization is messy, but it fits
>>>> the "neat" definition better than it meets the "scruffy" definition. 
>>>> Scruffy
>>>> has more to do with people-programmed ad hoc approaches (like most of AGI),
>>>> which I agree are a waste of time.
>>>> Steve
>>>> ============
>>>> On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 12:43 PM, David Jones <davidher...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>> Steve,
>>>>> I wouldn't say that's an accurate description of what I wrote. What a
>>>>> wrote was a way to think about how to solve computer vision.
>>>>> My approach to artificial intelligence is a "Neat" approach. See
>>>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neats_vs._scruffies The paper you
>>>>> attached is a "Scruffy" approach. Neat approaches are characterized by
>>>>> deliberate algorithms that are analogous to the problem and can sometimes 
>>>>> be
>>>>> shown to be provably correct. An example of a Neat approach is the use of
>>>>> features in the paper I mentioned. One can describe why the features are
>>>>> calculated and manipulated the way they are. An example of a scruffies
>>>>> approach would be neural nets, where you don't know the rules by which it
>>>>> comes up with an answer and such approaches are not very scalable. Neural
>>>>> nets require manually created training data and the knowledge generated is
>>>>> not in a form that can be used for other tasks. The knowledge isn't
>>>>> portable.
>>>>> I also wouldn't say I switched from absolute values to rates of change.
>>>>> That's not really at all what I'm saying here.
>>>>> Dave
>>>>> On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 2:32 PM, Steve Richfield <
>>>>> steve.richfi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> David,
>>>>>> It appears that you may have reinvented the wheel. See the attached
>>>>>> article. There is LOTS of evidence, along with some good math, suggesting
>>>>>> that our brains work on rates of change rather than absolute values. 
>>>>>> Then,
>>>>>> temporal learning, which is otherwise very difficult, falls out as the
>>>>>> easiest of things to do.
>>>>>> In effect, your proposal shifts from absolute values to rates of
>>>>>> change.
>>>>>> Steve
>>>>>> ===================
>>>>>> On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 8:52 AM, David Jones <davidher...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>>> I've suddenly realized that computer vision of real images is very
>>>>>>> much solvable and that it is now just a matter of engineering. I was so
>>>>>>> stuck before because you can't make the simple assumptions in screenshot
>>>>>>> computer vision that you can in real computer vision. This makes 
>>>>>>> experience
>>>>>>> probably necessary to effectively learn from screenshots. Objects in 
>>>>>>> real
>>>>>>> images to not change drastically in appearance, position or other 
>>>>>>> dimensions
>>>>>>> in unpredictable ways.
>>>>>>> The reason I came to the conclusion that it's a lot easier than I
>>>>>>> thought is that I found a way to describe why existing solutions work, 
>>>>>>> how
>>>>>>> they work and how to come up with even better solutions.
>>>>>>> I've also realized that I don't actually have to implement it, which
>>>>>>> is what is most difficult because even if you know a solution to part 
>>>>>>> of the
>>>>>>> problem has certain properties and issues, implementing it takes a lot 
>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> time. Whereas I can just assume I have a less than perfect solution 
>>>>>>> with the
>>>>>>> properties I predict from other experiments. Then I can solve the 
>>>>>>> problem
>>>>>>> without actually implementing every last detail.
>>>>>>> *First*, existing methods find observations that are likely true by
>>>>>>> themselves. They find data patterns that are very unlikely to occur by
>>>>>>> coincidence, such as many features moving together over several frames 
>>>>>>> of a
>>>>>>> video and over a statistically significant distance. They use 
>>>>>>> thresholds to
>>>>>>> ensure that the observed changes are likely transformations of the 
>>>>>>> original
>>>>>>> property observed or to ensure the statistical significance of an
>>>>>>> observation. These are highly likely true observations and not 
>>>>>>> coincidences
>>>>>>> or noise.
>>>>>>> *Second*, they make sure that the other possible explanations of the
>>>>>>> observations are very unlikely. This is usually done using a threshold, 
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> a second difference threshold from the first match to the second match. 
>>>>>>> This
>>>>>>> makes sure that second best matches are much farther away than the best
>>>>>>> match. This is important because it's not enough to find a very likely 
>>>>>>> match
>>>>>>> if there are 1000 very likely matches. You have to be able to show that 
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> other matches are very unlikely, otherwise the specific match you pick 
>>>>>>> may
>>>>>>> be just a tiny bit better than the others, and the confidence of that 
>>>>>>> match
>>>>>>> would be very low.
>>>>>>> So, my initial design plans are as follows. Note: I will probably not
>>>>>>> actually implement the system because the engineering part dominates the
>>>>>>> time. I'd rather convert real videos to pseudo test cases or simulation 
>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>> cases and then write a psuedo design and algorithm that can solve it. 
>>>>>>> This
>>>>>>> would show that it works without actually spending the time needed to
>>>>>>> implement it. It's more important for me to prove it works and show 
>>>>>>> what it
>>>>>>> can do than to actually do it. If I can prove it, there will be 
>>>>>>> sufficient
>>>>>>> motivation for others to do it with more resources and man power than I 
>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>> at my disposal.
>>>>>>> *My Design*
>>>>>>> *First, we use high speed cameras and lidar systems to gather
>>>>>>> sufficient data with very low uncertainty because the changes possible
>>>>>>> between data points can be assumed to be very low, allowing our 
>>>>>>> thresholds
>>>>>>> to be much smaller, which eliminates many possible errors and 
>>>>>>> ambiguities.
>>>>>>> *Second*, *we have to gain experience from high confidence
>>>>>>> observations. These are gathered as follows:
>>>>>>> 1) Describe allowable transformations(thresholds) and what they mean.
>>>>>>> Such as the change in size and position of an object based on the frame 
>>>>>>> rate
>>>>>>> of a camera. Another might be allowable change in hue and contrast 
>>>>>>> because
>>>>>>> of lighting changes.  With a high frame rate camera, if you can find a 
>>>>>>> match
>>>>>>> that is within these high confidence thresholds in multiple 
>>>>>>> dimensions(size,
>>>>>>> position, color, etc), then you have a high confidence match.
>>>>>>> 2) Find data patterns that are very unlikely to occur by coincidence,
>>>>>>> such as many features moving together over several frames of a video and
>>>>>>> over a statistically significant distance. These are highly likely true
>>>>>>> observations and not coincidences or noise.
>>>>>>> 3) Most importantly, make sure the matches we find are highly likely
>>>>>>> on their own and unlikely to be coincidental.
>>>>>>> 4) Second most importantly, make sure that any other possible matches
>>>>>>> or alternative explanations are very unlikely in terms of distance( 
>>>>>>> measured
>>>>>>> in multiple dimensions and weighted by the certainty of those 
>>>>>>> observations).
>>>>>>> These should also be in terms of the thresholds we used previously 
>>>>>>> because
>>>>>>> those define acceptable changes in a normalized way.
>>>>>>> *That is a rough description of the idea. Basically highly likely
>>>>>>> matches and very unlikely for the matches to be incorrect, coincidental 
>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>> mistmatched. *
>>>>>>> Third, We use experience, when we have it, in combination with the
>>>>>>> algorithm I just described. If we can find unlikely coincidences 
>>>>>>> between our
>>>>>>> experience and our raw sensory observations, we can use this to look
>>>>>>> specifically for those important observations the experience predicts 
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> verify them, which will in turn give us higher confidence of inferences.
>>>>>>> Once we have solved the correspondence problem like this, we can
>>>>>>> perform higher reasoning and learning.
>>>>>>> Dave
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