Dear Nicolas,

Hope this can help you.

Let have a look at my implementation:

#-----the simplest implementation-----
N = 100                    #number of ref points=Crad(A)
A.x = rand(N)              #set A.x
A.y = rand(N)              #set A.y: coordinate pairs
B.X = A.x[:-10]            #set B = sampling
B.Y = A.y[:-10]            #  has 10 points less than A   
                           #  Card(B)-Card(A)=-10
M = PositionAccuracy(A,B)  #as you defined=#concordances

Score = M/N*100            #my score=normalized based on N
                           #  N=Card(A)
So the Score will be always in [0,1], here is 0.9 or 90.00%.


#-----the realistic implementation-----
N = 100                    #
A.x = rand(N)              #set A.x
A.y = rand(N)              #set A.y: coordinate pairs
B.x = shake(A.x,10%)       #slightly repositions points
B.y = shake(A.y,10%)       #   randomly with 10% move
B.x = B.x+rand(N/10)       #adds extra 10% rand points
B.y = B.y+rand(N/10)       #Card(B)=1.1*Card(A)

M = PositionAccuracy(A,B)  #

Score = M/N*100            #my score=normalized based on N
Again the Score will be always in [0,1].
This is what I used to generate the previously sent figures.

Best Regards,


From: Nicolas Maisonneuve <>
To: Younes Fadakar <>
Cc: Ask Geostatisticians <>
Sent: Wed, 2 March, 2011 6:27:48 PM
Subject: Re: AI-GEOSTATS: Estimation of the position accuracy of 2 set of 
with different cardinalities

Thanks for your support Younges

my idea was inspired and adapted from the Kendall correlation coefficient
) but with the pb of cardinality.

- number of concordances (accurate observations)
- number of discordances(omission + false positive)
and do a sum and then a normalisation to get something like 1.0 = max
corcordance max  0.0 = max discordance.
but I am not sure how to normalize:
- the range of concordance [0, Card(A)] is smaller than the
discordance [0, Card(A+B)] so anormalisation should be something like
(2Card(A)+Card(B)) but I am not sure about that , and I am not sure
the whole idea is right..

How did you normalize in your calcul?

On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 5:50 AM, Younes Fadakar <> wrote:
> Dear Nicolas,
> This is not the answer to your question but a try to implement your idea and
> to have an experience with it.
> Please see the attached, the output.
> It seems the total score provided by the method is very dependent to the
> 'r', the radius of search for neighbors around each ref point (A).
> However, being able to define the right 'r', the score seems a realistic
> measure of accuracy to me.
> Of course, this is just a practical understanding hoping the community could
> provide the statistical references.
> Anyway, I liked the idea.
> Best Regards,
> .
> Younes
> ________________________________
> ________________________________
> From: Nicolas Maisonneuve <>
> To:
> Sent: Mon, 28 February, 2011 6:21:49 PM
> Subject: AI-GEOSTATS: Estimation of the position accuracy of 2 set of points
> with different cardinalities
> Hi everyone,
> A simple question:
> I have 1 set of 2D location points A that I use as reference.
> I have another set of location points B generated by observations.
> Is there any standard method/measure to estimate a kind of position
> accuracy error knowing that
> - A and B dont have the same cardinality of elements e.g. B could have
> more points than A?
> - a point in A should be associated to only one point in B.
> For the moment I created my own error measure using 3 estimations.
> for a given accuracy rate (<20 meters) I compute:
> - O: number of omissions (when there is no observation in B closed
> enough of a point in A) ,
> - FP: number of false positive (when a B point has been observed but
> not closed to a A point - or already taken from another
> observation)
> - M: number of matching (when a B point is closed enought of a A point)
> and then I aggregate the result  = M- (O+FP) to get an indicator..
> I am pretty sure there are other more traditional ways to do that.
> Thanks in advance
> -NM
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