On Mon, Oct 29, 2001 at 03:55:40PM +0000, Ben Bell wrote:
> That sounds exactly like the trouble I have with the ens1370 driver (not
> surprising given the common code base). You're the first person I've
> found with the same problem, so it's something obscure I would imagine.
> I am running 2.4.9 compiled with SMP. Perhaps it's an SMP problem? I
> thought I'd had it before I had a dual processor box but it's worth checking
> I suppose.

Possibly, but I've been using CVS alsa (though only updating occasionally)
for a while and I've never seen this problem before. It may not be alsa
related ofcourse.

I have had large volumes of error messages being spewed into
/var/log/messages after ardour crashes before though.

- Steve

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