
I've resigned to use linux box as a D-class amplifier.
I've diecided to make standalone device.
Why? The biggest problem is that serial/parallel port's max. output
frequency is 370kHz... It could be usefull, but I don't want to make my life
harder - as I often like to do ;)

I'm planning to use MAXIM's signal generator or motorola fast microcontroller,
maybe dallas 80Cxxx or atmel's AT90Sxxx.
Day by day I'm thinking about "great" Intel's microprocessors efficiency...
and I'm really considering switchng to MOTOROLA for good :)

I don't want to piss off anyoune, but I think that those guys who tols me so
many bad things abut ->->>GNU<<-<- assembler, should read assembly-howto...
I was not talking abut ->NASM<-. Never mind... peace! ATARI RULZ! :]

Once again thanks for all help and sugestions!
I'll call You when device ready...


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