I am having trouble with kernel 2.4.17-rc2 and the latest ALSA 
0.9.0beta10 drivers patches directly into the kernel and their 
interaction with xmms.  I can get sound and it is of vey nice quality 
but when trying to adjust the volume in xmms using the arrows keys on my 
keyboard the volume slider gets stuck in certain ranges and it happens 
with or with the "volume is volume instead of pcm" checked in the OSS 
driver options.  I have also tried the new alsa driver for xmms and 
while the volume slider works it has it's own set of problems.  The 
wierd thing is that gmix, aumix and other OSS based mixers all still 
work perfectly (even using keyboard control).  I have filed a bug report 
with the guys at xmms but they seem to believe that it is not their 
problem, here is the full bug report:


I don't really see (as they claim) how my hardware or the ALSA driver 
could be affecting xmms that much since other programs still work 
perfectly, etc.  The only problem is that I am by no means a sound 
developer.  Can anyone make sense out of their claims and/or tell them 
(or me) more acurately what might be going on to cause this abnormality? 


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