Hey, great.  I'm glad someone figured out this problem.

On Sun, 2001-12-30 at 14:00, Ron Murray wrote:
>    I'm slowly getting around to getting my Turtle Beach Santa Cruz
> card working properly (as distinct from just limping along) under
> Linux using ALSA. One recent (and annoying) development began to occur
> if the snd-card-cs46xx module was autocleaned. Attempting to reload it
> resulted in the error message:
> ALSA card-cs46xx.c:188: Sound Fusion CS46xx soundcard not found or
>    device busy
>    The only way to get sound again seemed to involve a reboot.
>    System details are:
> - Compaq 7000US with AMD 1.2G Athlon processor, 512M RAM
> - Linux 2.4.17 with FreeS/WAN patches (promlem still appeared on
>   unpatched kernel)
> - alsa drivers 0.9.0beta10, but earlier versions also exhibited the
>   problem
>    After much peering around, traced the problem to function
> snd_ac97_mixer() in file lowlevel/generic/ac97_codec.c. Line 1407
> defines a max time delay after chip reset before failure:
>       end_time = jiffies + (HZ / 2);
>    This was apparently not long enough; changing it to
>       end_time = jiffies + (HZ);
>    seems to have cured the problem (although this is probably at least
> as empirical as the original!). The 4297 datasheet isn't much help
> here, so I'm not sure what the real value should be. With the original
> value, the delay loop would time out on an attempt to reload the
> module. I'm not sure why it would work on initial load; perhaps, ince
> this happened at boot time and the machine was presumably working
> harder, the effective delay period was somewhat longer.
>    Next Santa Cruz job will be to sort out weird mixer problems.
>  .....Ron
> -- 
> Ron Murray   ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> https://www.rjmx.net/~ron
> GPG Public Key Fingerprint: F2C1 FC47 5EF7 0317 133C  D66B 8ADA A3C4 D86C 74DE

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