I'm temporarily not on any alsa* mailinglist so please cc to me.

Turning on 'IEC958 DAC To Out' does _not_ route all analog signals to 
SPDIF as preclaimed in the docs. Especially analog input from line-in 
does not appear on the SPDIF output. I verified this by playing some 
music through standard PCM device and feeding the line-in from my TV 
receiver card. I do hear a mix of both at the analog front output but do 
only hear the PCM sound on the digital out. Capturing from line-in works 
fine nevertheless.

Is this a driver problem or hardware incapability? I'd really like to 
hear TV sound through the SPDIF out so I'd just need one single wire to 
my amplifier and not an extra stereo connection.

AudioExcell MD-MATE
cu Marcus

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