
At Wed, 02 Jan 2002 12:25:48 +0100,
Marcus Blomenkamp wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm temporarily not on any alsa* mailinglist so please cc to me.
> Turning on 'IEC958 DAC To Out' does _not_ route all analog signals to 
> SPDIF as preclaimed in the docs. Especially analog input from line-in 
> does not appear on the SPDIF output. I verified this by playing some 
> music through standard PCM device and feeding the line-in from my TV 
> receiver card. I do hear a mix of both at the analog front output but do 
> only hear the PCM sound on the digital out. Capturing from line-in works 
> fine nevertheless.
Sorry, it's a bug of document.
It redirects only Wave + FM to SPDIF out.

> Is this a driver problem or hardware incapability? I'd really like to 
> hear TV sound through the SPDIF out so I'd just need one single wire to 
> my amplifier and not an extra stereo connection.

Hardware limit.

For hearing analog inputs, how about to write a small program (or
script) to feed analog input to pcm output?



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