
The buildrpm script in the alsa-utils-0.9.0beta10a expects that the
package is located in the source directory instead of the directory above.
This is a regression since the previous version of this script the all the
equivalent buildrpm scripts of the other packages behave this way.

The patch for this bug is attached.

I've noticed this bug because I've made a Makefile to automate the process
of building the of all the rpms to the the Redhat. I'll post this Makefile
into the alsa-user ML in case anyone finds it interesting.


José Fonseca
*** alsa-utils-0.9.0beta10a.old/utils/buildrpm	Tue Nov 20 09:04:26 2001
--- alsa-utils-0.9.0beta10a/utils/buildrpm	Sat Jan 12 12:04:08 2002
*** 3,7 ****
  version=`cat $source/../version`
! package=$source/../alsa-utils-$version.tar.bz2
--- 3,7 ----
  version=`cat $source/../version`
! package=$source/../../alsa-utils-$version.tar.bz2

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