On Sun, Jan 20, 2002 at 07:20:33PM +0100, Yann wrote:

Please note that this is an english list (like most of the linux
development lists).

> Gr?ce ? votre mini-howto ALSA, j'ai pu effectuer divers tentatives de 
> configuration mais sans succ?s...aussi je vous demande de l'aide pour 
> configurer ma carte son sous Linux.
> => Dans la log, je vois que le gestionnaire USB s'attribue l'IRQ 5, il me 
> semble que c'est l'IRQ habituelle de l'AWE32 ?

No problem, the kernel will take care of proper IRQ assignment if you
compiled in support for ISAPNP. IIRC the AWE32 is a PnP card.

> => Faut-il que je recompile le noyau ? avec autres options...
> Merci de votre aide....

Upgrading to a new kernel certainly doesn't harm. Your current kernel
is 2.4.8 which contains a couple of known bugs.

>  - OS : Mandrake 8.1, noyau 2.4.8-26
> ===============================================================
>  - Carte AWE 32 : mod?le ISA 
> ===============================================================
>  - modules.conf et chargement : 
> ===============================================================
> [root@localhost etc]# more modules.conf
> pre-install pcmcia_core CARDMGR_OPTS=-f /etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia start
> alias usb-interface usb-uhci
> probeall scsi_hostadapter ide-scsi

There should also be some lines for ALSA, but apparently it works
because the correct modules are loaded.

>  [root@localhost root]# lsmod
> Module                  Size  Used by
> snd-sb16-dsp           15760   0  (unused)
> snd-pcm                31616   0  [snd-sb16-dsp]
> snd-timer               8528   0  [snd-pcm]
> snd-mixer              24544   0  [snd-sb16-dsp]
> snd                    35248   0  [snd-sb16-dsp snd-pcm snd-timer snd-mixer]
> soundcore               4208   0  (autoclean) [snd]
> binfmt_misc             6208   1
> lp                      5808   0
> parport_pc             20240   1
> parport                24768   1  [lp parport_pc]
> af_packet              12560   0  (autoclean)
> ip_vs                  62000   0  (autoclean)
> usb-uhci               21232   0  (unused)
> usbcore                50752   1  [usb-uhci]
> nls_iso8859-15          3408   3  (autoclean)
> nls_cp850               3632   3  (autoclean)
> vfat                    9968   3  (autoclean)
> fat                    32192   0  (autoclean) [vfat]
> ide-scsi                8096   0
> scsi_mod               91072   1  [ide-scsi]
> rtc                     5600   0  (autoclean)
> [root@localhost root]# amixer
> The ALSA sound driver was not detected in this system.
> [root@localhost root]# cat /proc/asound/cards
> --- no soundcards ---
> [root@localhost root]#
>  - copy log dmesg :
> ===============================================================
> [root@localhost root]# dmesg | more
> Linux version 2.4.8-26mdk ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version 2.96 
> 20000731
>  (Mandrake Linux 8.1 2.96-0.62mdk)) #1 Sun Sep 23 17:06:39 CEST 2001


> devfs: devfs_mk_dir(): existing non-directory entry: "snd"
> devfs: existing non-directory entry

This is the problem. All ALSA programs expect the sound devices to live
in /dev/snd, which is a symlink to /proc/asound/dev . On systems with a
normal /dev tree such a symlink is persistent over reboots, but devfs
needs more magic. 

You can probably solve the problem temporary by using "ln -s /dev/snd
/proc/asound/dev" and restarting alsa (probably with
"/etc/init.d/alsasound restart"), but I have no idea what devfs magic
is needed to make this change persistent.

You should consider disabling devfs completely, because it is known
broken (read a linux-kernel archive for more information). Mandrake
issued a securety announcement for this a couple of months ago.


PS: devfs flamewars should be taken to linux-kernel ;)

J.A.K. (Erik) Mouw, Information and Communication Theory Group, Faculty
of Information Technology and Systems, Delft University of Technology,
PO BOX 5031, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands  Phone: +31-15-2783635
Fax: +31-15-2781843  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
WWW: http://www-ict.its.tudelft.nl/~erik/

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