On Thu, Nov 07, 2002 at 10:54:10AM -0800, Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> ./rawmidi -v -i hw:1,0
> Using: 
> Input: device hw:1,0
> Output: NONE
> ALSA lib rawmidi.c:247:(snd_rawmidi_open_conf) symbol _snd_rawmidi_hw_open 
> is not defined inside (null)
> snd_rawmidi_open hw:1,0 failed: -6
> Closing

I can't reproduce this, but I was playing a little bit with rawmidi...
So, if my client is aconnected (aconnect 80:0 73:0) I can't catch an error
with rawmidi trying all four possibilties.

If I disconnect (aconnect -x) my keyboard I can produce an error. This
situation is the only possibility to see an error message and it must be
"rawmidi -v -i hw:2,0,0". The other three rawmidi options are running fine and
didn't show an error. Yes, "rawmidi -v -i hw:2,0" does his job without
problems and the message is also different to Fernando's output.

tuba:/usr/local/src/alsa-cvs/alsa-lib/test# ./rawmidi -v -i hw:2,0,0
Input: device hw:2,0,0
Output: NONE
ALSA lib rawmidi_hw.c:247:(snd_rawmidi_hw_open) SNDRV_RAWMIDI_IOCTL_INFO
failed: No such device
snd_rawmidi_open hw:2,0,0 failed: -19



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