On Fri, Nov 08, 2002 at 09:17:45AM +0100, Clemens Ladisch wrote:
> Martin Langer wrote:
> BTW: Does input through the sequencer work?

yes it's working with the same keyboard using classical MIDI OUT jack, not
USB. I have done this:

tuba:~# aconnect 64:0 73:0    /* using classical midi jack works great */
tuba:~# aconnect -x
tuba:~# aconnect 80:0 73:0    /* using usb jack doesn't work: no sound */
tuba:~# aconnect -x
tuba:~# aconnect 64:0 73:0    /* using midi jack works great as before */

> >
> > tuba:/usr/local/src/alsa-cvs/alsa-lib/test# ./rawmidi -v -i hw:2,0,0
> > Using:
> > Input: device hw:2,0,0
> > Output: NONE
> > ALSA lib rawmidi_hw.c:247:(snd_rawmidi_hw_open) SNDRV_RAWMIDI_IOCTL_INFO failed: 
>No such device
> > snd_rawmidi_open hw:2,0,0 failed: -19
> > Closing
> This happens when you remove the bugfix I mentioned yesterday. Without the
> fix, snd_rawmidi_hw_open always asks for the output stream information.
> (If you do have that bugfix, you're using some older version of alsa-lib.)

ooops, my fault. now "rawmidi -v -i hw:2,0,0" runs fine.

> > Yes, "rawmidi -v -i hw:2,0" does his job without
> > problems and the message is also different to Fernando's output.
> In theory, that means when you use current CVS as it is (with the bugfix),
> everything should work on your machine?

Now using cvs checkout from today and it's impossible to produce an error
message with rawmidi. so far it's ok.

With rawmidi I can influence my counter at /proc/asound/card2/midi0 but not
with keyboard playing (the bytes number is constant).



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