On Mon, 2003-12-29 at 21:32, Dave Edwards wrote: 
> This I have done, as well as restarted alsa, but still no joy, i.e. no
> sound, no error messages from aplay.
> Dave.

I get somewhat different sorts of messages from aplay than you do.
Possibly something in your .asoundrc file is mixing it up? I don't see
much in mine, but I'm attaching it.

I don't like your 'subdevice -1' thing. That seems a bit strange.

Also, check that it's not a blocking issue. On my machine aplay won't
play if I even have Evolution open. you might run somethign like 'lsof |
grep sound' and check tht nothign is in your way.

bash-2.05b$ aplay -v data/wave/seque~10.wav 
Playing WAVE 'data/wave/seque~10.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian,
Rate 44100 
Hz, Mono
Plug PCM: Hardware PCM card 0 'VIA 8235' device 0 subdevice 0

Its setup is:
stream       : PLAYBACK
access       : RW_INTERLEAVED
format       : S16_LE
subformat    : STD
channels     : 1
rate         : 44100
exact rate   : 44100 (44100/1)
msbits       : 16
buffer_size  : 22052
period_size  : 5513
period_time  : 125011
tick_time    : 5000
tstamp_mode  : NONE
period_step  : 1
sleep_min    : 0
avail_min    : 5513
xfer_align   : 5513
start_threshold  : 22052
stop_threshold   : 22052
silence_threshold: 0
silence_size : 0
boundary     : 1445199872
pcm.via82xx {
           type hw
           card 0

ctl.via82xx {
           type hw
           card 0

pcm.hdsp {
           type hw
           card 1

ctl.hdsp {
           type hw
           card 1

pcm_slave.hdsp {
          pcm "hw:1"
          channels 26

pcm.playback_5_6 {
          type dshare
          slave hdsp
          ipc_key 314159265    # some unique number
          ipc_key_add_uid yes   # "no" to let multiple users share it
          bindings {
                0 5
                1 6

pcm.dsp {
          type plug
          slave.pcm playback_5_6

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