On Tue, March 7, 2017 09:58, Clemens Ladisch wrote:
> Maurizio Dall'Acqua wrote:
>> defaults.ctl.!card 1
>>  ctl.equal {
>>      type equal;
>>    }
>>    pcm.plugequal {
>>      type equal;
>>       slave.pcm {
>>         type softvol
>>         slave.pcm "plug:dmix"
>>         control.name "PCM Playback Volume"
>>         control.card 1
>>      }
>>    }
>> With this configuration I can control the volume of my PC but without
>> the
>> possibility of changing settings of the equalizer. It seems that I can
>> have either volume control or equalizer control.
> The equalizer can be controlled with the control device that you have
> defined with "type equal", in this, case "equal":
>   alsamixer -D equal
> The volume can be controlled with the control device belonging to the
> sound card that you specified with "control.card":
>   alsamixer -D hw:1      # this is the default anyway
> For technical reasons, the softvol control can be attached only to
> an actual hardware device, and the equalizer controls do not belong to
> any hardware device, so you cannot have both at the same time.  Your
> only choice is to run two instances of alsamixer in parallel.
> Regards,
> Clemens

Thanks for your help so far.
I understand that I have to have two instances of alsamixer in parallel.
But the new problem is that with the .asoundrc file I have previously
submitted, when I do:

alsamixer -D equal

I do have a CLI interface with which I can change the settings of the
equalizer, but the new settings do not actually influence the sound played
anymore. On the other hand, I have now a volume control that works.
I think that there's still something wrong in my .asoundrc file :-(


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