Mudah-mudahan teman2 yang belum bisa ngoprek AFL tidak berkecil hati, karema 
semoga saja ada pencipta/pengoprek AFL yang berpendapat lain, yakni bersedia 
sharing bagi-bagi AFL buatannya tanpa "memaksa" orang lain untuk belajar 
dulu/belajar bersama AFL. Para penyumbang AFL sejagat yang diposting di library 
AFL AB juga bejibun dan mereka dengan penuh kesadaran beramal salih tanpa 
pamrih tidak mengharuskan usernya untuk belajar AFL. Belum tentu orang yang 
tidak mendapat pasokan AFL akan "terpaksa" belajar AFL,  dan belum tentu orang 
yang di "suap" AFL gratis terus tidak mau belajar AFL, sebab minat dan 
kemampuan serta kesempatan seseorang pasti berbeda-beda ada yang senang ngoprek 
ada yang malas, dan ada yang belum sempat, dlsb. (tentunya kami-kami ini sangat 
menyadari, teman2 yang saat ini pandai mengoprek AFL akan memiliki oportunity 
yang lebih bagus ketimbang yang tidak/belum menguasai ilmu AFL).
Bagi yang mau nyumbang AFL buatannya semoga tidak-segan-segan mem-posting 
kepada kami-kami sebagai user yang belum bisa dan belum sempat belajar AFL dan 
semoga amal salih para kontributor AFL dimanapun mendapat ganjaran yang 
belimpat ganda dari Sang Khalik dan dilapangkan rizkinya serta dimudahkan dan 
dimuliakan hidupnya di dunia dan di akhirat, amiin yaa robbal alamiin.
Salam hangat,
Fauzi Bogor.

From: rudyho <>
To: Milis Amibroker <>
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 11:18:48 AM
Subject: Re: [Komunitas AmiBroker] Accumulation & Distribution ver

Hehehe... Okelah, makasih pak Eco....

From: Eco Syariah
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2009 10:20:21 +0700
To: <amibroker-4- b...@yahoogroups. com>
Subject: Re: [Komunitas AmiBroker] Accumulation Distribution ver

Bukan masalah keberatan share... tapi mari kita belajar bersama... sehingga 
nantinya bisa oprek bahkan bikin AFL yg cocok dengan pribadi kita...

Sekedar share... saya juga gaptek, cuma keseringan oprek AFL ...mau ndak mau 
jadi belajar dan sekarang masih belajar...
Awalnya juga copy paste... tapi penasaran ngerubah sesuai keinginan... maka 
ngoprek dech... kalau mentok, ya lari ke menu help...
Saya juga mikir... punya senjata ampuh koq bisanya cuma drag and drop... kenapa 
gak coba bikin sendiri ?

Kalau mau belajar... kasus di bawah atau yang lebih gampang kasus si A (yg 
waktu), silahkan dicoba dan jangan malu kalau salah... wong belajar koq, kan 
gak nyolong... hehehe...


On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 3:40 PM, rudyho <rdy...@yahoo. com> wrote:

Ehm... Kalo ndak keberatan share donk...., ndak ngerti sama sekali nih 
kode²*-an ☺ ..
Asli nubie gaptek yg taunya cuman copy paste...

From: "Sathya"
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 04:45:30 -0000
To: <amibroker-4- b...@yahoogroups. com>
Subject: Re: [Komunitas AmiBroker] Accumulation Distribution vers

Sip,,, Mas Eco..
for user , priode Stoch & A/D tentu tidak baku silahkan di sesuaikan aja. or 
bisa juga tambahin code brikut utk cek signal MA :

uptrend=Cross( MA(C,4) , (MA(C,7)));
downtrend=Cross( MA(C,7),( MA(C,4))) ;
Plot( 10, "Trend",IIf( uptrend, colorBrightGreen, IIf( downtrend, colorRed, 0 
)),styleOwnScale| styleArea| styleNoLabel, -5.5, 100 );

just idea.
Mas eco klu ngga keberatan , ada baiknya ,, di tamabahin nilai dari Stoch nya 
sehingga kondisi stoch dapat terlihat OB or OS.
dan klu bisa disisipin text info , bila mana bar endacc & enddist mulai keluar 
plottext Strong Acc and Weak Distribution.


--- In amibroker-4- b...@yahoogroups. com, Eco Syariah <esyar...@...> wrote:
> *Mas Sathya,
> Ini AFL yang sudah "diwarnai"*
> line1=H-L;
> line2=IIf(line1= =0,1,line1) ;
> ad=((C-L)-(H- C))/line2;
> line3=ad*V;
> line4=Sum(line3, 5)/Sum(V, 5);
> line5=MA(line4, 3);
> AccHistColor = ParamColor("Up Hist", colorGreen);
> DistHistColor = ParamColor("Down Hist", colorRed);
> AccColor1 = ParamColor("Begin Acc", colorBrightGreen) ;
> AccColor2 = ParamColor("End Acc", colorDarkGreen) ;
> DistColor1 = ParamColor("Begin Dist", colorRed);
> DistColor2 = ParamColor("End Dist", colorDarkRed) ;
> mycolor = IIf(line5>0 AND Line5 > Ref(Line5,-1) , AccColor1, IIf(line5>0 AND
> Line5 < Ref(Line5,-1) , AccColor2,
> IIf(line5<0 AND Line5 > Ref(Line5,-1) , DistColor1, IIf(line5<0 AND Line5 <
> Ref(Line5,-1) , DistColor2, colorWhite)) ));
> Plot(line5, "SAT-ADOBOS", mycolor, styleHistogram| styleThick) ;
> uptrend=StochK( 5)>30;
> downtrend=StochK( 5)<40;
> Plot( 4, "Trend",IIf( uptrend, colorBrightGreen, IIf( downtrend, colorRed, 0
> )),styleOwnScale| styleArea| styleNoLabel, -0.5, 100 );
> *Please CMIIW
> ES*
> On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 10:25 AM, Sathya <prassat...@. ..> wrote:
> > Mas Eco
> > Chainkin oscilator memang ada di setiap charting software.
> > namun chainkin std belum di smooth terlalu bergerigi and kelemahannya
> > bila terjadi GAP, namun sbagian trader mengantisipasi nya dgn
> > memanfaatkan MA, sehingga whipsaw dan GAP dapat teratasi.
> > yg saya berikan itu hanya pengembangan dari A/D standard dan saya
> > kombinasikan dgn OB&OS indicator, agar dapat dgn mudah
> > membaca kekuatan tren naik & turun sekalian dpt identifiasi bilamana
> > terjadi positive or negative divergence.
> >
> > PS : sbenarnya indicator standar aja sudah cukup ampuh selagi
> > kita paham dgn cara kerjanya.
> >
> > Rgds
> > Sathya
> >
> > --- In amibroker-4- b...@yahoogroups. com <amibroker-4- bei%40yahoogroups. 
> > com>,
> > Eco Syariah <esyariah@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Oh... begitu... jadi S = MA ya...
> > >
> > > Untuk nambah ide/kreativitas, ini saya copy paste dari AB, mudah-mudahan
> > ada
> > > gunanya... rumus AD nya serupa tuh... terus di AB juga ada Oscillator
> > > AD...namanya Chaikin... mungkin ini yang dimaksud mas Sathya ?
> > >
> > > ===
> > >
> > > *Accumulation/ Distribution *
> > >
> > > Accumulation/ Distribution is a momentum indicator which takes into
> > account
> > > changes in price and volume together.
> > > The idea is that a change in price coupled with an increase in volume may
> > > help to confirm market momentum in the direction of the price move.
> > >
> > > Note the similarity of this formula to that of the stochastic; this is
> > > basically a stochastic multiplied by volume.
> > > This means that if the security closes to its high, the volume multiplier
> > > will greater than if the security closes nearer to its low.
> > >
> > > If the Accumulation/ Distribution indicator is moving up the buyers are
> > > driving the price move and the security is being accumulated.
> > > A decreasing A/D value implies that the sellers are driving the market
> > and
> > > the security is being distributed.
> > > If divergence occurs between the Accumulation/ Distribution indicator and
> > the
> > > price of the security a change in price direction is probable.
> > >
> > > The Accumulation/ Distribution Line formula is as follows: (C-L) - (H-C) /
> > > (H-L) x V + I
> > >
> > > Where I is yesterday's Accumulation/ Distribution value.
> > >
> > > ===
> > >
> > > Chaikin indicatorChaikin Oscillator
> > >
> > > Developed by Marc Chaikin back in the early 1970's when opening prices
> > were
> > > eliminated from many newspaper listings making it more difficult to
> > > calculate William's OBV. Chaikin substituted the average price
> > > [(HIGH+LOW)/ 2] for William's opening price and created an oscillator
> > using
> > > 10-period and 3-period exponential moving averages of the resulting
> > > Accumulation/ Distribution Line.
> > >
> > > The basic premise of the Accumulation/ Distribution Line is that the
> > degree
> > > of buying or selling pressure can be determined by the location of the
> > > close, relative to the high and low for the corresponding period. There
> > is
> > > buying pressure when a stock closes in the upper half of a period's range
> > > and there is selling pressure when a stock closes in the lower half of
> > the
> > > period's trading range.
> > >
> > > *Bullish Signals *
> > >
> > > There are two bullish signals that can be generated from the Chaikin
> > > Oscillator: positive divergences and centerline crossovers. Because the
> > > Chaikin Oscillator is an indicator of an indicator, it is prudent to look
> > > for confirmation of a positive divergence, by a bullish moving average
> > > crossover for example, before counting this as a bullish signal.
> > >
> > > *Bearish Signals *
> > >
> > > In direct contrast to the bullish signals, there are two bearish signals
> > > that can be generated from the Chaikin Oscillator: a negative divergence
> > and
> > > a bearish centerline crossover. Allow a negative divergence to be
> > confirmed
> > > by a bearish centerline crossover, before a bullish signal is rendered.
> > >
> > > The Chaikin Oscillator is good for adding momentum to the
> > > Accumulation/ Distribution Line, but can sometimes add a little too much
> > > momentum and be difficult to interpret. The moving averages are both
> > > relatively short and will therefore be more sensitive to changes in the
> > > Accumulation/ Distribution Line. Sensitivity is important, but one must
> > also
> > > be able to interpret the indicator.
> > > ===
> > >
> > > ES
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >


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