I can assure you that in basically 52 years of working DX that geographical 
names definitely work better in the vast majority of situations than the ICAO 
phonetics.  Yes, eventually, the ICAO phonetics will be understood.  However, 
the station on the other end is generally going to work stations that are the 
easiest to recognize and that includes what phonetics are used.  Therefore, how 
much time you spend in the pileup depends on how well the DX station 
understands your transmissions.  As for me, I prefer not to spend a long time 
in a pileup!

I give up!  The same arguments that are made time after time on QRZ.com for 
using only the ICAO phonetics are being made here.  Frankly, the ICAO phonetics 
do NOT work well, if at all, for certain letters when the other station does 
not have English as their first language, especially when QRM or QSB is present.

I keep saying that ICAO phonetics are fine when English is the first language 
of the person or if the person who does not have English as their primary 
language has had formal training in the "proper" use of the ICAO phonetic 
alphabet.  However, when the ICAO phonetic alphabet fails, then the operator 
needs to have an alternate phonetic alphabet available rather than continue to 
attempt to get the information across using the ICAO phonetics.

I am receiving numerous E-Mails from people who definitely agree that when 
working DX using geographical names usually works much better.  But, those 
persons are hesitant to enter into this discussion.

Basically, everyone is chasing their tail.  That is, those who think that the 
ICAO phonetics are sacred and need to be used no matter what against those who 
believe that certain circumstances require using an alternative phonetic 
alphabet.  Few persons are going to change their minds!

One needs to look at the public safety arena where the ICAO phonetics are just 
not used.  If the ICAO phonetics are so great then why is there an APCO 
phonetic alphabet?  The basic answer is that public safety organizations have 
found that the ICAO phonetics just don't do a good job.  Therefore, the APCO 
phonetic alphabet.

I can assure you that this discussion will never end because those who insist 
that the ICAO phonetics must be used no matter what seldom realize that they 
are no panacea and that alternate phonetics do have a place in radio 

Glen, K9STH

Website:  http://k9sth.com

--- On Sun, 4/10/11, Jeff Moore <tnetcen...@gmail.com> wrote:

This is a bunch of baloney! Your "unpublished" non-standard just confuses most 
people.  I've listened to hours of DX and the ITU alphabet gets through just 
fine.  It's when people start throwing out their cutesy made up alphabet that 
it gets confusing.
Stick to the standard and it will work fine.

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