----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Stephen Turner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2004 11:21 PM
Subject: Re: [analog-help] time out errors

> That's true, but there is an HTTP code "408 Request Timeout", if the
> gives up waiting for the client. I can't work out when this comes about
> though.

Hmm, not sure - can't recall ever seeing one myself, as it goes. Maybe this
could be caused by a 'Connection: Keep-alive' HTTP from the client, which
then isn't kept open for successive requests? Or more likely, when the
server is 'chunking' data to the client, and it dies halfway through? Not

> No, 206 doesn't mean that. It means that the client requested only part
> the file, and the server successfully delivered the range that was asked
> for.

Ah, right - LOL - I'll shut up then :) Thanks for the explanation.

Just out of interest, though, how could a client ask for 'part' of a WMV
file? All it can ask for, is the complete URL, surely? Or is there some
kind of 'resume' operation available in HTTP as there is in FTP? That's
kinda why I read between the lines, and put it down to the client closing
the data-stream before it was finished, hence the server recorded it had
sent what it had been asked for, up to that point.

Actually, I'm more confused now than I was to begin with - LOL.


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