I've just upgraded from 5.32 to 6.0.
My immediate stats page has stopped working.

This is due to an incompatibility between Analog 6.0 & my webserver: OSU HTTP_SERVER on VMS. It works fine serving html files with very long lines; it only breaks when piping output directly from analog to the browser.

The gotos line generated by analog is now 1150 characters long (it used to be 800-odd). While this isn't an error, it falls foul of the 1024 character limit imposed by my environment (which I can't change).

It would be a very helpful improvement to break such very long lines (255 would probably be a good upper bound to work to for readability reasons).

I notice that the leading colon gets translated via the language file, but unfortunately the pipe separator doesn't - if it did I might be able to fix this in the language file (if it were possible to add a real line break - which I haven't checked).

I'll add my own line break next to the pipe in the source. I'd be very grateful if a similar enhancement could make it to the next edition.

Chris Sharman


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