Iain Hunneybell <i...@ipmarketing.co.uk> wrote:
>> Well I've cure one issue but found another...
>> By placing my LOGFORMAT ahead of the LOGFILE directive I've produced
>> a report, but the issues I have are:
>> 1. This odd multi-host combined logfile with it would seem multiple
>> domains owned by a single 1and1 account in the one logfile, and

As Jeremy pointed out, you can use the %v field to attribute each line to a 
particular VHost, by using the VHOSTINCLUDE command to generate a report for 
just a single virtual Host. (If you have 10 virtual hosts, you'll have to run 
Analog 10 times to create a seperate report for each VHost, though).

>> 2. The search engine queries are lost and <errors.txt> reports:
>> analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Search Query Report
>> analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Search Word Report
>> But...I can find the various Google and other referrals with queries
>> so don't yet understand why the search word reports are empty and so
>> switched off.

Your sample line has quotes around the Referrer string, but your logformat 
doesn't, so the " becomes part of the referrer string, and none of the 
SEARCHENEGINE entries start with ". You have the same problem with the Browser 

Try this LOGFORMAT instead:
LOGFORMAT (%s - %u [%d/%M/%Y:%h:%n:%j %j] "%j %r %j" %c %b %v "%f" "%B" %j)


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