On Oct 12, 4:38 pm, "Romain Guy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Rendering to OpenGL is a feature that got dropped for 1.0. Note that it
> would simply render the same way as with a normal Canvas, it would not
> automagically draw on an arbitrary mesh.

On Oct 12, 5:25 pm, "Romain Guy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OpenGL is not supported by the Canvas.


Can you detail what specifically was dropped.

I have the code above running, transforming the rendering of the
MapView component into 3D (although the clipping needs to be adjusted
for the 3D view), but that code is not working at the OpenGL API
layers.  I assume we can expect this to work on the G1.

The Context( GL ) constructor says "some GL implementations may not
support antialiasing or certain effects".  Is there any API to
determine what the underlying implementation supports.


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