On Jun 2, 2010, at 5:59 AM, Megh wrote:
> Hello, I'm doing a college project on Bluetooth for Android, and I'm
> trying to understand how to manage communication between multiple
> connected devices. Eventually I'm going to develop a multiplayer
> Bluetooth Game.
> Currently I've adapted Android's sample app BluetoothChat to connect
> my three Nexxus One phones. 1 connects to 2 who connects to 3 1 sends
> its messages successfully to 2. 3 sends its messages successfully to 2
> as well. 2 can send its messages successfully to 1 and 3, as it shares
> a ConnectedThread with both. But I can't figure out how to handle
> getting communication from 1 to 3.

  What you describe here is a simplified version of a "star" pattern.  Where 
there's one node in the center that all other nodes talk to.  Is you intended 
design to operate this way, or do you wish to instead form a "mesh" where 
everyone can talk directly to everyone else?

  If the former, then you need to have code in 2 to relay messages, and you 
need to design the message protocol such that there's a sense of recipient 
specified in the message.  Then 2 can handle messages for itself, and pass on 
messages for others.

  If the latter, then you simply need to make a direct connection between 1 and 
3.  The same way 1 connects to 2, connect it to 3.

  (Unless there's some reason that only one outgoing connection can exist, in 
which case you may be limited to a star formation.)

> Does anyone have any examples of communication between multiple
> devices or has done this themselves? Thanks

  Nope.  All of the above is design, and I'm afraid I know nothing about 
Android bluetooth.  I just wanted to clarify what you were intending, so you 
could hopefully receive more useful advice.

                                - Chris

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