
The 30 minute limit only applies to "automatic" updates scheduled by using the widget .xml desciptor.

Your widget provider can update its widgets (using the usual mechanism of RemoteViews) any time it wants. For example, in response to some other broadcast. In my application, this happens when in response to WiFi state changes. In yours, it could be something else.

-- Kostya

01.06.2010 5:33, james pruett ?????:

        Are you saying widgets can update faster than 30minutes? Polling?

        public int updatePeriodMillis

Since: API Level 3 <http://developer.android.com/guide/appendix/api-levels.html#level3>

How often, in milliseconds, that this AppWidget wants to be updated. The AppWidget manager may place a limit on how often a AppWidget is updated.

This field corresponds to the |android:updatePeriodMillis| attribute in the AppWidget meta-data file.

*Note:* Updates requested with |updatePeriodMillis| will not be delivered more than once every 30 minutes.

On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 10:03 AM, niko20 <nikolatesl...@yahoo.com <mailto:nikolatesl...@yahoo.com>> wrote:

    You can make it small, but I believe it will capture all "focus", so
    even if you see other apps you wont be able to interact with them. I'd
    think a widget work work...but yes the polling would have to be rather
    high, which is not good for a widget.

    What you could do is tie a widget together with an app - have an app
    that runs and puts a small icon in the notification bar, and if that
    app is running then the widget updates more frequently. The app is
    "invisible" except for the notification bar. When you pull down the
    bar and click on the app it can open and you can then "turn it off"
    from in the app, and then have the widget not update anymore.


    On May 31, 7:39 am, TreKing <treking...@gmail.com
    <mailto:treking...@gmail.com>> wrote:
    > On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 3:04 PM, cellurl <gpscru...@gmail.com
    <mailto:gpscru...@gmail.com>> wrote:
    > > Can an app not be full-screen?
    > Yes - check out themes, specifically the dialog theme.
    > >  E.g. can I make a postage size app?
    > I don't know if there are limits on the size, but probably.
    > TreKing - Chicago transit tracking app for Android-powered

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Kostya Vasilev -- WiFi Manager + pretty widget -- http://kmansoft.wordpress.com

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