
The scenario is, my application constructs an intent and uses
startActivityForResult() to launch target activity from third-party-

Sometimes Third party applications declare the target activity's
launch-mode as singleTask, due to this setting, my application
receives cancel-result as per documentation, but user can see the
target activity and select an item(which is supposed to be returned
and utilised in my application).

When user press back-button, my activity/application wont get any
data, as it has already received cancel-result, due to singleTask
launchmode of target activity.
At this point user feels, that my application is not processing the
data passed from target activity (I feel its pretty bad user

Is there any API/work around to know the target Activites lauchnmode,
so that I can avoid calling target actitvity and display an error
message to user.
Is there any flag/configuration that overrides target activity's
launchmode ie singeltask?


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