Ah, I also apologize for my previous (perhaps misleading) line

> I guess the bigger problem that in Android static data members cannot
> be statically checked to be "alive".

By this, I mean that in the standard toolchain (i.e., without static
analysis) you can't statically validate your code uses statics in a
good way.  Because of this, you have to manually insert code which
deals with this, but you also (without a static analyzer) can't have
confidence that your dynamic checks are sufficient to avoid problems.

I should have separated "static" (the Java keyword) from "static" (compile time)


On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 5:21 PM, Kristopher Micinski
<krismicin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 8:56 AM, Kostya Vasilyev <kmans...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Friday, March 15, 2013 5:29:03 AM UTC+4, Lew wrote:
>>> Kristopher Micinski wrote:
>>>> I guess the bigger problem that in Android static data members cannot
>>>> be statically checked to be "alive".  [...]
>> if (gInstance != null) not working in Android for some reason?
> This isn't static (compile time) checking.  It's a dynamic check you
> have to remember to manually insert.
>>>> Moreover, in Android it's a fact of life that your app will die and
>>>> restart.  You can really only use statics for "caching" type purposes,
>>>> but working with them in a safe way quickly becomes extremely
>>>> complicated.  Instead of doing this, you can typically replace
>>>> singletons with some Android specific utility (a Service or
>>>> ContentProvider, say..) that allows you to implement the "singleton"
>>>> type pattern.
>> How do you replace SharedPreferences or MimeMap or SqliteDatabase with a
>> service?
>> How do you put ViewCompat.IMPL into a content provider?
>> https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/support/+/refs/heads/master/v4/java/android/support/v4/view/ViewCompat.java
>> ( lines 339 - 355, horrible, absolutely horrible... ;P )
>> The code above shows one good reason to use singletons: to reduce memory
>> allocations.
> I agree that that's a completely valid use case for them, have I ever
> said that you should never use statics?  (Perhaps you didn't entirely
> read my previous posts in this thread...)
> My main objection is that *many times* people think they can use
> statics when they indeed cannot.  Furthermore, because of all the
> issues relating to them, it's always good to keep them in mind when
> working with them.  When you do need to work with them, it's useful to
> use some sort of static (lint like) tool to warn you about strange
> usage patterns.
>>>> This really *is* a pretty frequent problem when people get UI elements
>>>> stuck into static variables and then users rotate the screen :-)
>> It really *is* a pretty frequent problem when people smash their fingers
>> with hammers.
> I think the condescending tone here is trying to say this doesn't
> happen to apps.  I guess I've just had unusual experiences.
>>> The biggest problem I have with singletons is that everyone for some
>>> god-awful reason
>>> insists on lazily instantiating them. Why?
>> In the context of Android, that god-awful reason is often called "Context".
>> And speaking for myself, I've had a lot more trouble with Android specific
>> issues (bugs and weird stuff in stock and manufacturer firmwares,
>> inaccessible stuff in the framework) or with various other external factors
>> affecting my apps, than with singletons in my code (or "for" loops, for that
>> matter...)
>> So, don't really understand what all the bashing is about. It's a tool, use
>> it correctly, and you'll be fine; use it wrong, and you could end up with a
>> sore finger.
> For me, the bashing is because:
>  - Many times people find statics and use them to simplify their code
> at first, which ultimately ends up wrong because they don't understand
> their behavior.
>  - Statics cause problems with memory leaks much more easily.  When
> you do use them, you have to consciously note it in documentation and
> you don't get compile time checking (unless you use a static analyzer
> in your toolchain).
> By the way, saying "this is not always a bad thing!" does not at all
> mean something should be avoided and used carefully.  I've *never*
> said you should blatantly forbid them.  I'm not a fan of these
> "blanket rule" coding styles.  But at the same time, I do (honestly)
> believe that most programmers (including myself) do not understand and
> reason about their effects as well as normal data.
> FYI, I do use singletons in a good amount of my code, so I'm not
> saying they are completely useless.  I view them as something that has
> a specific use case, and that many people use them outside of that use
> case.  (I also completely agree with you --- and never tried to say
> otherwise --- that there are times when using them really does make
> sense.)
> Kris

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