How to get Android SDK 1.1 R1 (android-sdk-linux_x86-1.1_r1) working
on 64 Bit Linux, Fedora 11 Beta RawHide. (this could surely be applied
to other distros as well I suppose but I have just tested the above)

Download the "eclipse-java-ganymede-SR1-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz" The version from Fedora repository doesn't work due to
incompatible packages / versions. Make sure you have the Open JDK
available and that Eclipse is using that one instead of the gjc.

Then install 32 bit library dependencies for Android SDK on Fedora 11

$yum install glibc.i686
$yum install ncurses-libs.i586
$yum install libstdc
$yum install libstdc++.i586
$yum install libzip.i586
$yum install libX11.i586
$yum install libXrandr.i586

I had a lot of problems with the emulator which using SDL and got the
following error:

"SDL init failure, reason is: No available video device"

Found a good tip to see what libs is not found:

$cd $andoird_sdk/tools/
$strace ./emulator

It seems that the SDL couln't initialize the screen if not the libX11
and libXrandr wasn't aviable.

Next step was to get the ddms working:

The last line of $ANDROID_SDK1.1R1/tools/ddms has a -
Djava.library.path entry pointing to 32 bit eclipse libraries which
couldn't be used. So I renamed the library property so it wouldn't be
read and instead use the 64 bit eclipse versions.

exec "$java_cmd" -d64 -Xmx256M $os_opts $java_debug -
Djava.ext.dirs="$frameworkdir" -Djava.dummy.library.path="$libdir" -"$progdir" -jar "$jarpath" "$@"

Then getting the usb to work, follow the instructions on:

The following did work at some point but isn't the prefered way to
connect the android according to my googling:

I have to start adb as root so if anyone have a solution for that I
would be more than happy!

Regards Perty

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