Android is an application processor stack. There is no provision for
access to baseband API's except through the Java level telephony

It's not practical to standardize a baseband stack - there's a strong
dependency on the underlying hardware architecture.

On Apr 15, 7:48 pm, thiago_alencar <> wrote:
> This is my last try to finding the answer to the question - really
> didn't find any documenation on the MSM72001A chipset anywhere.
> The question is regarding how far we can access the resources provided
> by the MSM7201A chipset of the current Android phone, specifically the
> RF stack (I think its based on ARM9, correct?).
> Android is linux based and open source - however, with a quick look at
> android's "low-level hardware" libraries, I found only a few classes
> regarding the camera - how is android accessing the this chipset's RF
> functions? Or is it simply treated as a modem (i.e., AT commands)? Or
> is this not available for us to access at all due license issues with
> Qualcomm?
> Aditionally, if I want to modify Android's kernel, how would the
> procedure to burn this new image to the phone basically work?
> I would appreciate any help.
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